Solo runner running along country path
Charity Event

Run Alton Towers 2023

Alton Towers, ST10 4DB, Alton
09:00 (GMT)
15:00 (GMT)
Sign Up

Join #TeamDKMS for Run Alton Towers!

Secure your place - 'Sign Up' above

This unique event allows you to run through the magic of Alton Towers and then celebrate with FREE entry to the park. We can't think of a better way to spend the weekend!

What you get

Join the team to receive:

  • dedicated personal support
  • branded DKMS technical t-shirt so you look the part
  • fundraising pack with tips to make your target easier to hit, so you can focus on the race.

Cross the finish line with the amazing feeling of knowing you have helped to add more potential lifesavers to the blood stem cell register.

Registration and fundraising details

  • 10k Saturday 11 November: registration fee £10 / £100 minimum sponsorship target
  • 5k Sunday 12 November: registration fee £10 / £100 minimum sponsorship target
  • Half Marathon Sunday 12 November: registration fee £20 / £200 minimum sponsorship target

Have your own place?

If you have secured your own place we'd love you to join #TeamDKMS as an own place runner. You'll receive the same support as our charity runners but there’s no minimum fundraising target. You can have fun and raise as much as you can! Click 'Sign Up' above to join our team using your own place.

For more information contact:

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