Image of Ruth smiling at the camera

Could you be Ruth's match?

Become a donor

Ruth's story

Ruth, 36, is asking for your help to find her matching donor.

Ruth was diagnosed with aplastic anaemia in 2008 after experiencing low energy, bruising, breathlessness and bleeding. Aplastic anaemia is a condition where the body does not produce enough blood cells.

After undergoing various treatments over the years, including regular blood transfusions, Ruth is now in need of a blood stem cell transplant.

Picture of Ruth and her dog

Ruth loves her dogs Clint and Saffy who have always been there during the tough times – her four-legged angels! She enjoys getting together with her friends at home for good food, chats and wine.

Having regular transfusions has been stressful and hard work at times. Ruth says, “They are long days mainly sat waiting about with too much time to think! I think, overthink, think some more and it’s exhausting. Overall, I don’t moan or complain as it is what it is. I have dealt with a hell of a lot over the last few months but I don’t have any choice.”

Ruth’s sister, Rachael, sadly passed away from the same condition in 2009 and Ruth says living with aplastic anemia after losing her, has been the hardest battle of all.

She’s encouraging anyone between the ages of 17 and 55 who is in general good health to sign up to the DKMS blood stem cell register. “I think it’s very important and a simple cheek swab could save a life.”

Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver? Join the register now