Every 20 minutes someone in the UK, such as Pete, above, is diagnosed with blood cancer.
Often, after therapies such as chemotherapy have failed, patients need a blood stem cell donation. Many will be in desperate need; the donation could give them a second chance at life.
One in four people is lucky: they find a match within their own family. Others, including Pete, are searching right now for a willing stranger with a similar genetic background to donate their blood stem cells.
Only one person needs to match with Pete. However, matching really is a numbers game: the more people on the register, the more likely Pete will find his own ‘one in a million’.
Donating is a straightforward process, as previous donor Poonam (right) can testify. For most people, it involves a few hours sitting in a comfortable chair, having blood withdrawn from your arm, with your expenses and travel paid by DKMS.
Our mission is to provide a matching donor for every patient with blood cancer or a blood disorder who needs a transplant. All it takes is one person to match each patient: that person might be you.
Click the ‘BECOME A DONOR’ button and you could be taking the first step to giving another person a second chance at life.