Following a successful transplant, Livia is now a happy, chatty five-year-old!
Livia's diagnosis
Meet two-year-old Livia, a happy and cheeky little girl. Sadly, at the end of March 2020, she was diagnosed with leukaemia (AML). She is now being treated at GOSH and undergoing chemotherapy treatment
Livia is an only child and her parents are looking to recruit people to join the stem cell register as they are not a match for her. Livia is in urgent need of a stem cell transplant. Her parents are desperate for their little girl to get well again. Before the diagnosis, she loved to swim, draw, dance and going to nursery to see her friends. She loved her time there and would always come home with a smile on her face.
How you can help
If you are unable to register as a potential donor, we would be very grateful if you could consider making a contribution towards the cost of registration.
Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.