
Find a match for Amelie

Amelie's story

Eleven-year-old Amelie critically needs a stem cell donation.

Amelie’s mum, Sofia, is urgently calling for more people to join the stem cell register: “My wish is for my daughter to have a chance at life, by registering as a potential donor you could give her that chance, not just for Amelie but for others that find themselves in this situation.”

Diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of three, Amelie has experienced this relentless disease for more than half her life. Recently, she faced a devastating second relapse and is now facing leukaemia for the third time. With time running out, a stem cell transplant is now her best chance at survival.

Amelie and her brother Aiden

Life on hold

This September, Amelie should have been starting her first year in secondary school, after a summer break spent with her eight-year-old brother Aiden and her beloved "furry brother," Toby the cockapoo. Unfortunately, her diagnosis has put these plans on hold as she waits for the crucial treatment she needs.

Your support can make all the difference. By joining the stem cell register, you could be the missing link that saves Amelie's life and offers hope to others in need.

Make a gift
Each new potential donor costs us £40 to register. You can help cover our costs by making a gift today.

How you can help

Every 14 minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with a blood cancer or disorder. You could be their lifesaver if you’re aged 17-55 and in generally good health.

Please sign up to be a blood stem cell donor. Not just for children like Amelie but for millions around the world suffering from blood diseases, cancers and immunodeficiency who need transplants.

You could be someone’s second chance at life.

Ready to become a potential lifesaver? Join the register now