The DKMS team was at the EBMT 2024 conference, Europe’s largest annual congress in blood and marrow transplantation and cellular therapies.
Over the weekend of 13 to 14 April, in Glasgow, we had the pleasure of attending the 50th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT 2024). It was a significant event, with over 5,500 people in attendance, including experts in the fields of medical research, healthcare, and advocacy.
The highlight of the conference, for DKMS, was the Patient, Family, and Donor Day — an emotional and profoundly impactful session that highlighted the human stories at the heart of our mission to give more second chances to people waiting for their stem cell match. The DKMS UK staff present were able to engage directly with patients, families, and other advocates in the field and learn about their experiences. The experience was both educational and inspirational, leaving us with a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper appreciation for the people we serve.
Participants from the DKMS UK team also had productive discussions with colleagues from other DKMS entities globally, connecting and exchanging ideas. The discussions on knowledge and strategies were important for enhancing our collective insights to advance in areas of research, donor recruitment, and patient advocacy.
Looking ahead, DKMS UK is fully committed to raising awareness, helping patients, growing the registry, and making progress in blood cancer research. Together with our partners and supporters, we aim to improve the lives of people with blood cancer and blood disorders. We're excited to keep moving forward, building on the energy from this inspiring event.