Patient meeting

How is my patient doing?

Many people feel a deep connection with their 'genetic twin' from the very beginning.

Can I find out about 'my' patient?

As a donor, receiving information about the health status of 'your' patient depends on the rules of the country in which the transplant takes place.

How it works

After your donation, a member of our team will discuss with you the rules for contact associated with your patient's country. An email will be sent to you following this conversation with all the relevant details on when we can request patient updates. As soon as we receive information about the health status, we will inform you immediately.

Please note, if the patient does not wish to share this information, DKMS will respect their wish. If this happens, we will be sure to let you know.

Some clinics and countries generally do not provide us with any information about the patient's health status, or only provide it once. You will be informed if this applies to you.

Your choice?

If you do not wish to receive information about the patient's health, please let us know. You can change your decision to receive health information at any time, just let us know.

If you have any questions, please email contact us.

Follow up
Donor Request Management
Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm
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