A little post will make a big difference

A graphic showing 4 hands, each holding a phone with a different social sharing icon displayed.

Thanks for clicking on our share link.

It’s an incredible thing you’ve done in registering to be a potential blood stem cell donor. By sharing the news you’ll be doing something else amazing – inspiring others to follow in your footsteps as a lifesaver-in-waiting.

This simple act will give added hope to people with blood cancer – and their friends and family too.

We’ve made it as simple as possible for you to share on social media. Just download the image below to share on your chosen social media platform, add a little message of your own, and post.

Don't forget to tag us too!

Donor Card with caption 'I'm now a lifesaver-in-waiting' in white font on red background
Donor Card with caption 'I'm now a lifesaver-in-waiting' in white font on red background
Donor Card with caption 'I'm now a lifesaver-in-waiting' in white font on red background
Help us find more donors
Everyone who needs a blood stem cell transplant must find their potential donor. Can you help?